Learn from Us

Looking to advance your knowledge and skills in the field of MEP engineering? Look no further than MEPSCOPE’s “Learn From Us” education services page. Our program is designed to provide new graduates, passionate individuals, and anyone interested in gaining new knowledge with a wide range of academic and skill-based engineering courses. Led by our team of experienced engineers, our program offers the latest insights into the industry’s best practices and technologies, helping you stay ahead of the curve and achieve your career goals.

Learn skills that you have dreamed, Mold skills that you have learned

We teach skills that make your future.

“At MEPSCOPE, we believe that education is key to fostering innovation and advancing the field of MEP engineering. That’s why we offer to Learn from Us, a platform designed to provide new graduates, aspiring engineers, and passionate learners with access to advanced engineering knowledge and skill-based training. Our program is built around sustainable learning practices and innovative teaching methods, so you can boost your career and stay at the forefront of the industry.”

“Acquire the competencies you need for a successful future with our carefully curated selection of studies on Learn From Us page. Our programs help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve your career goals, as 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025. Start your skill development journey with us today.”

Pre-Engineering Skill Development Programs

Basic and advanced courses on Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing engineering, designed for students new to engineering

Introduction to computer-aided design (CAD) software

Manual drawing classes, a crucial skill for any engineering student

Technical writing and communication courses to help you effectively convey your ideas to others in the industry

Hands-on laboratory skills development to give you practical experience with engineering tools and techniques.

Laboratory Skills

Laboratory safety and protocols
Equipment handling and calibration
Basic and advanced analytical techniques


Fundamentals of photography and camera operation
Lighting and composition techniques
Post-processing and editing software

Technical Designs

Technical drawing and drafting
Product design and development
Rapid prototyping and 3D printing

Our Coaches

Mr. S. Rajeebhavan Director Dreamographers
Trainer: Portraiture

Structural photography, Interior photography & Portrait and Landscapes

Miss. B. Renuka Chemist
Trainer: Laboratory skills

Laboratory skills and techniques (For Food, Water, and Medical Labs), Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety

Mr.S.Nidershan Senior Mechanical Engineer
Solids work champian
Trainer: Technical Designs

Solidworks & Engineering Drawings